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Global Forgiveness Day Can Make You Happier

We’ve all been there. We’ve upset someone or have been mad at another at one point in our life. It may have been as small as an oversight of a birthday wish or a much more serious offense. If you still have some outstanding resentment against someone, maybe it’s time to burry the hatchet. August 27 is Global Forgiveness Day and a perfect opportunity to begin the process of healing.

Forgiveness is the process of stopping the anger and resentment toward another person for a perceived offense, difference or mistake. Studies show that people who forgive are happier and healthier than those who hold onto the stress of anger.

Take a moment this week to think about reconciling differences. Pick up the phone and make a sincere apology to someone who’s perceived that you’ve done something wrong. Make a list of people you have offended and think about those who have offended you. Prioritize how you may approach those people.

If you want to think bigger, consider those issues hurt a portion of our society and see if you can formulate solutions to start making a difference. Maybe it’s volunteering for an organization that helps in your areas of concern.

While this is a one day holiday, it is something that you can practice year-round. Try it and see how much happier you are.